Employer Resources

Our students graduate with research and internship experience, global perspectives, and rigorous academic work that prepare them for success in a variety of career fields.

We welcome recruiters to meet our students in person. Below are suggested opportunities to connect with students on campus, through social media, or at recruiting events. 

On-campus recruitment 
• Information sessions 
• Tabling 
• Office Hours 
• Class presentations 
• Interviews
• Resume reviews 
• Leading a CCPD program such as one of our Emerging Professional Events. 

Social Media 
• Posting job opportunities, fairs, events, etc. 
• Hosting a live on Instagram 
• Instagram “takeovers” 

Recruiting Events
• Attend the Spotlight Career Fair 

Additional Resources

Centre College students have a long tradition of participating in meaningful internships across the country. Last year, over 70 students participated in an academic internship at Centre, and the number has been consistently rising over the years. We are constantly looking for new and continuing internship opportunities for Centre students, particularly for the summer and CentreTerm.

Internship Handbook for Employers

What is a CentreTerm internship?

CentreTerm is a January term during which students participating in an internship must work 35-40 hours per week for four weeks. CentreTerm is the most popular term for students to participate in an internship for academic credit, and it is often a perfect time for employers to assign a “special project” to an intern.

See the lists below for the general responsibilities of all parties involved in internships at Centre.

Faculty Mentor Responsibilities

• Work with student to develop internship objectives and the academic component tying the internship experience to the student’s academic goals.
• Check in with the student regularly through meetings and email.
• Read and evaluate all written material.
• Attend the student’s final presentation.
• Assign the final grade for the internship.

Student Responsibilities

• Work on the days and times agreed upon with the supervisor.
• Complete all assignments, tasks and projects at the internship site in a timely manner.
• Conform to the regulations and dress code of the internship organization.
• Maintain confidentiality of internship organization.
• Notify supervisor of planned absences before internship takes place.
• Notify the Center for Career and Professional Development immediately should any problems arise during the course of the internship, including concerns regarding lack of substantive work assignments.
• Complete the required time cards and evaluations and submit to Center for Career and Professional Development by midterm and the end of the internship.
• Complete academic readings and assignments and turn in to faculty mentor by the last day of classes.

CCPD Responsibilities

• Monitor the internship for quality assurance as it relates to both the intern and internship site.
• Ensure that at least 70% of the intern’s time is spent on substantive projects.
• Provide organization/supervisor with student evaluation forms.
• Provide students with internship site evaluation forms.
• Notify student of obligations and monitor students’ compliance during the course of the internship.
• Act as liaison between the student, faculty mentor and internship supervisor and assist in resolving any problems that might arise during the course of the internship.

Organization Supervisor Responsibilities

• Comply with all state and federal labor laws.
• Provide a working environment which allows the student to gain experience relevant to the field.
• Provide regular feedback to students through regular meetings and email.
• Provide the intern with a schedule comprised of no less than 70% substantive work.
• Provide the intern with a desk, computer and/or other necessary tools in order to effectively complete internship responsibilities.
• Provide intern with information regarding the internship site policies and procedures regarding the dress code; professional, legal and ethical behavior; emergency preparedness, etc.
• Notify the Center for Career and Professional Development in a timely and reasonable manner if any problems arise, particularly those that might result in the dismissal/termination of the intern.
• Evaluate the student’s performance at mid-term and at the end of the internship and submit the evaluation form to the Center for Career and Professional Development.


Centre College provides an online job board, Handshake, for employers to post jobs and internships at no charge to current students and registered alumni. Eligible employers are encouraged to create an account and post their positions in this system. By creating an account, organizations gain the ability to review and accept applicants, manage interview schedules and communicate with candidates.

Graduating seniors and alumni come to our office looking for meaningful employment opportunities. Once you have posted a position in Handshake, we are happy to help advertise these positions to our students and alumni. In addition to job and internship postings, we are happy to offer additional ways for you to connect with Centre students.

We have Career Exploration Communities based on industry, please reach out to the contact in your industry.

Arts, Media & Entertainment

Kirk Knott
Email: kirk.knott@chinarish.com
Phone: 859-238-5286

Business & Entrepreneurship

Michael Taylor
Email: michael.taylor@chinarish.com
Phone: 859-238-5306

Health & Medicine

Michael Taylor
Email: michael.taylor@chinarish.com
Phone: 859-238-5306

Law, Government, & Public Policy

Nathan Meissner
Email: nathan.meissner@chinarish.com
Phone: 859-238-6224

Science, Engineering, & Tech

Michael Taylor
Email: michael.taylor@chinarish.com
Phone: 859-238-5306

Social Impact

Kara Drake Cox 
Email: kara.drake@chinarish.com
Phone: 859-238-6558